雷鹰 发表于 2020-9-19 14:24



 撒坦和他的兄弟们自称为巴力。他们的数量向来稀少——因为他们的绝大多数新生儿都被杀害血祭,心脏被献给了巴尔。于是布鲁赫和阿刹迈,连同阿舒尔的其他子嗣的势力,便轻易地推翻了他们的统治——不,应该是太轻易了。巴力被完全摧毁,仅剩一人... 或者看上去是那样。
 属性:力量 7(9),敏捷 6(8),耐力 7(9)
    魅力 8,操控 9,外貌 0
    感知 6,智力 6,机敏 7
 天赋:警觉 4,格斗 5,外交 6,闪躲 5,梦想 7,共情 6,阴谋 9,领导力 8,模仿 6,公开演讲 3,意识欺骗 9,搜索 5,引诱 4,托辞 9,投掷 2
 技艺:铁匠 2,盲斗 3,身体改造 6,行贿 9,伪装 3,礼仪 1,白刃 5,生存 9,折磨 9,追踪 6,圈套 3
 知识:炼金学 3,人类学 7,考古学 9,地区知识(墨西哥,美索不达米亚)9,占星学 3,天文学 1,黑手知识 5,密盟轶闻 3,城市秘密 9,血族轶闻 9,狼人轶闻 5,法师轶闻 4,医学 5,神秘学(恶魔轶闻)9,心理学 3,政治 8,魔宴轶闻 9,下水道轶闻 3,精魂轶闻 9,神学 9(撒坦非常了解他的敌人),毒理学 6,妖蛆轶闻 9
 异能(通常状态下的数值。当刚觉醒时都要降低2级):野兽术 6,感应术 9,迅捷术 6,幻术 6,恶魔术 9,黑暗奇术 7,疯狂术 8,操控术 9,坚韧术 7,暗夜术 4,威仪术 9,变形术 7,蛮力术 9,奇术 4,石变术 3
 背景:交替身份,盟友 9,线人 9,牧群 9,影响力 9,资源 4,扈从 9,地位 9
 美德:背叛 5,残忍 5,勇气 5
 启迪之道:邪恶启示之道 10(见下)

雷鹰 发表于 2020-9-19 14:26

Background: Shaitan was born in 4520 BC as a slave in what the Kindred now refer to as theSecond City. Beautiful beyond comparison, his beauty alone elevated him in rank as a favored servant of Ashur. Shaitan was the second to be embraced by Ashur, and was incorrigible.
 Not long after his embrace, Shaitan left the city and traveled to the east, through Mesopotamia and into the lands of Kala-At-Sherghat. While on his journey, he learned much of the strange Eastern philosophies, refining Disciplines that had never existed before. These he taught to the fellow Childer of Ashur, all save for Gangrel, whom he loathed. Gangrel took the slight personally, and pointed out to Ashur that Shaitan had been twisted by consorting with the Children of Lilith, a direct breach of Caine's commandments. Word of this soon passed among all of the Kindred in the Second City, and, against Ashur's will, Shaitan and his followers were banished.
 Shaitan went east again, and soon built a city of his own in Kala-At-Sherghat, following his own rules and conquering many surrounding lands. Then Shaitan met Baal, a powerful, greedy demon willing to teach the vampire a few new tricks. Shaitan swore fealty to Baal, feeling that he had been mistreated by his own kind and willing to serve another to get revenge.
 At Baal's command, Shaitan expanded his nation even further, starting great sacrifices to Baal's glory and forcing many of the smaller tribes into slavery. Perhaps he would have continued ruling the area for all time, but the Second City fell, and with its fall, it brought a flood of other Kindred into the area. By the time the other Kindred arrived, Shaitan's rule was well established, and he and his brethren were treated as gods by the people in the area. Although he still made sacrifices to Baal, the demon had long since left the area. Shaitan had no support when the Ashurians, Assamites and Brujah came to the area and decided to make it their own.
 The Baali, as Shaitan and his brethren had taken to calling themselves, were few in number and had remained that way. The majority of newly-Embraced Kindred were ritually slaughtered for their blood, their hearts given over to Baal. The Brujah and Assamite forces, along with the Ashurians, overthrew them with ease - perhaps too much ease. The Baali were destroyed, down to the last one... or so it seemed.
 In truth, Baal had warned Shaitan and his fellows of the danger that was coming from the west, and they had vacated the area, leaving demonically-altered childer behind to be sacrificed in their stead.
 The Baali scattered to the four corners of the earth; each of the 13 eldest took a number of their Get with them and began setting new goals for their plans of vengeance and power. Baal's warning was taken to heart, and the Baali learned the art of subtlety. No longer conquering any area and claiming dominion, they chose false names instead, often those of preexisting gods. In the guise of these local gods, the Baali guided the hands of their worshippers and grew in power.
 Shaitan began a long voyage across the ocean to reach the North American Continent. From the time of the Olmecs (1200- 200 BC) through the times of the Toltecs, the Mayans and all of the Aztec Empire's history, Shaitan was there, often guiding subtly through retainers and taking a direct hand in the battles for supremacy. Other Kindred came to the area, ignorant of Shaitan's presence; these interloping Kindred were either driven away, corrupted into service or destroyed.
 For more than 2,700 years, Shaitan ruled over the area where Mexico stands today, either in person or by proxy. He still rules over the area - he simply has chosen not to make a public appearance in 400 years. This is about to change.
 Image: Shaitan stands almost eight feet tall. Due to his long association with Baal, his body has gone through physical changes that have left him as hideous as any Nosferatu. His skin is a translucent white with a texture similar to sandpaper. While his hair has become something akin to fine tendrils, his eyes are slitted like those of a reptile and his face has taken on demonic characteristics, including ram horns growing out of his skull. A palpable aura of evil can be sensed by virtually everyone he encounters.
 Roleplaying Hints: You do not talk to fools, Anyone who does not succumb to your power is not worth acknowledging, unless he has True Faith. Ignore the weak; destroy the strong.
 Sire: Ashur
 Nature: Architect
 Demeanor: Visionary
 Clan: Ba'ali
 Generation: 4th
 Embrace: 4500 B.C.
 Apparent Age: 20
 Physical: Strength 7(9), Dexterity 6(8), Stamina7(9)
 Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 9, Appearance 0
 Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 6, Wits 7
 Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 5, Diplomacy 6, Dodge 5, Dreaming 7, Empathy 6, Intrigue 9, Leadership 8, Mimicry 6, Public Speaking 3, Sense Deception 9, Search 5, Seduction 4, Subterfuge 9, Throwing 2
 Skill: Blacksmith 2, Blind Fighting 3, Body Alteration 6, Bribery 9, Camouflage 3, Etiquette 1, Melee 5, Survival 9, Torture 9, Tracking 6, Traps 3
 Knowledges: Alchemy 3, Anthropology 7, Archaeology 9, Area Knowledge (Mexico, Mesopotamia) 9, Astrology 3, Astronomy 1, Black Hand Knowledge 5, Camarilla Lore 3, City Secrets 9, Kindred Lore 9, Lupine Lore 5, Mage Lore 4, Medicine 5, Occult (Demonic Lore) 9, Psychology 3, Politics 8, Sabbat Lore 9, Sewer Lore 3, Spirit Lore 9, Theology 9 (Always know your enemy), Toxicology 6, Wyrm Lore 9
 Disciplines (Normal ranking; reduce by 2 when freshly awakened): Animalism 6, Auspex 9, Celerity 6, Chimestry 6, Daimonon 9, Dark Thaumaturgy 7, Dementation 8, Dominate 9, Fortitude 7,Obtenebration 4, Presence 9, Protean 7, Potence 9, Thaumaturgy 4, Visceratika 3
 Backgrounds: Alternate ldentity, Allies 9, Contacts 9, Herd 9, Influence 9, Resources 4, Retainers 9, Status 9
 Investments: 9 (Infernal Ranking)
 Virtues: Treachery 5, Cruelty 5, Courage 5
 Humanity: 0
 Path of Enlightenment: Path of Evil Revelations 10 (see below)
 Willpower: 10
 Derangements: Obsession; Shaitan feels that he must corrupt all of humanity to please Baal. Naturally, he is right.
 Notes: This Methuselah is ridiculously strong. His long torpor has reduced many of his formidable skills, but given time, he will attain almost godlike power. The Troupe will have an edge when dealing with him, however; his knowledge of modern weaponry is academic. He has been in Torpor for so long he has forgotten the sting of fire and the might of magick. Faced with determined resistance, he will flee and plot his revenge at a later time. His Attributes and Disciplines have also been reduced by his long slumber. When he awakens, Shaitan is comparatively weak. It will take several months for him to regain his true power.
 While Shaitan fully follows the Path of Evil Revelations, he is not a member of the Sabbat. Shaitan has been tutored by Baal to open his mind to the possibilities of his power. His extremely high Disciplines reflect his teachings. Shaitan long since gave his soul to Baal, and is very much a pawn of demons; he is effectively a demon in a vampiric body.

雷鹰 发表于 2020-9-19 14:28

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