secrecy 发表于 2020-5-8 01:18


索尼 WF-SP800N 评测: 每个运动员的精英耳机By Simon CohenMay 7, 2020 6:00AM PST
Sony WF-SP800N索尼 WF-SP800N
Score Details 分数细节

DT Editors' Choice 编辑的选择
“Like an elite athlete, Sony's WF-SP800N earbuds excel at everything they do.” “就像一个精英运动员一样,索尼的 WF-SP800N 耳塞做什么都很出色。”

[*]Great sound 很棒的声音
[*]Class-leading battery life 超级电池寿命
[*]Very good water and dust protection 很好的防水防尘
[*]Good active noise cancellation 良好的主动噪声消除
[*]Excellent call quality 优良的通话质量

[*]Bulky charging case 大型充电箱
[*]No wireless charging 没有无线充电

If you’ve spent any time looking at our roundup of the best true wireless earbuds over the last year, you know we think the world of Sony’s WF-1000XM3. They excel in so many areas, like noise cancellation, sound quality, and call quality, that you have to dig pretty deep to find any flaws.如果你花时间看过我们去年最好的无线耳机集锦,你知道我们认为世界的索尼的 WF-1000XM3。 它们在很多方面都很出色,比如噪音消除、音质和通话质量,所以你必须深入挖掘才能发现任何缺陷。However, we were much less impressed with Sony’s last attempt at making a set of true wireless earbuds for the athletic crowd, the WF-SP700N. Lousy battery life was our chief criticism, and the active noise cancellation didn’t wow us.然而,我们对索尼上一次为运动爱好者制作一套真正的无线耳机的尝试印象不那么深刻,WF-SP700N。 糟糕的电池寿命是我们的主要批评,主动消除噪音并没有让我们惊叹。Enter the WF-SP800N: Sony’s much-anticipated update to its sports-oriented true wireless earbuds. At $200, they’re now a bit pricier, but Sony appears to have applied all of the lessons it learned from the WF-1000XM3 to bring the SP800Ns up to par. They’re available for pre-order now from Amazon and Best Buy, with deliveries starting at the end of May.进入 WF-SP800N: 索尼备受期待的更新其运动导向的真正的无线耳塞。 售价200美元,它们现在有点贵了,但是索尼似乎应用了它从 WF-1000XM3中学到的所有经验教训,使 SP800Ns 达到了标准。 它们现在可以从亚马逊和百思买预订,交货时间从五月底开始。Was Sony successful? Let’s take a closer look.索尼成功了吗? 让我们仔细看看。Classic design with a twist经典设计与扭曲 Cohen / Digital TrendsThe WF-SP800N follow the same general design that Sony has used for all of its earbuds — they have a slightly elongated body that protrudes from the ear. Gone is the odd lima bean shape of the WF-SP700N, but these are still bulkier than most of today’s much smaller earbuds. They’re also surprisingly heavy. At 9.5 grams, they’re 1 gram heavier than the XM3, and almost twice as heavy as Jabra’s Elite 75t, which weigh 5.5 grams.Wf-sp800n 采用了索尼所有耳塞的通用设计——它们有一个从耳朵突出的略微拉长的机身。 Wf-sp700n 的奇怪的利马豆形状已经不复存在,但是这些仍然比现在大多数更小的耳塞更笨重。 它们还出人意料地重。 重9.5克,比 XM3重1克,几乎是重5.5克的 Jabra Elite 75t 的两倍。Not that they feel heavy — in fact, the addition of a silicone earfin helps them stay comfortably anchored. However, when pounding the pavement, you’re definitely aware of them.并不是说它们感觉很重ーー事实上,加上一个硅胶耳环可以帮助它们舒适地固定住。 然而,当你在人行道上奔走时,你肯定会意识到它们的存在。To get that earfin in the right position to do its job, you need to perform a double-twist motion as you insert them: One twist backward to pop the earfin into your ear, then one twist forward to lock it into place. This pitches the earbud ends downward — a different angle than you see with the XM3.为了让耳鳍处于正确的位置,让它发挥作用,你需要在插入耳鳍时做一个双旋转动作: 一个向后旋转,把耳鳍弹进耳朵里,然后一个向前旋转,把耳鳍固定到位。 这使得耳塞的两端向下---- 与 XM3的角度不同。 Cohen / Digital TrendsThe combination of the SP800N’s large overall size and integrated earfins means its charging case is also on the big side. It’s smaller than the case for the Powerbeats Pro and the WF-1000XM3, and way smaller than the chunky case that came with the SP700N, but compared to the Jabra Elite 75t — a model I used throughout my review of the SP800N — it’s a lot bigger and not what I would describe as pocket-friendly. In the image above, the blue case is actually that of the Jabra Elite Active 75t, but it is identical to the Elite 75t’s case.Sp800n 的整体大尺寸和集成耳翼的组合意味着它的充电箱也是大的一面。 它比 Powerbeats Pro 和 WF-1000XM3的外壳小,也比 SP700N 的笨重外壳小得多,但与我在评论 SP800N 时使用的 Jabra Elite 75t 相比,它要大得多,不是我所说的便携式外壳。 在上面的图片中,蓝色的外壳实际上是 Jabra Elite Active 75t,但它与 Elite 75t 的外壳完全相同。Unlike Apple’s more expensive AirPods Pro, there’s no wireless charging option, only USB-C.不像苹果更昂贵的 AirPods Pro,没有无线充电选项,只有 USB-C。Behold the best battery看看最好的电池 Cohen / Digital TrendsIf the SP700N were underwhelming on battery life, the SP800N have been clearly designed to overwhelm: They pack an impressive nine hours of battery life with their ANC function turned on and an enormous 13 hours when it’s turned off. That’s three more ANC hours and five more non-ANC hours than the WF-1000XM3. I wasn’t able to confirm these stats during my brief time with the earbuds, but Sony’s claims are usually in line with real-world results.如果说 SP700N 在电池寿命方面表现平平,那么 SP800N 的设计显然是过于夸张的: 它的电池寿命令人印象深刻地达到了9个小时,同时开启了 ANC 功能,而关闭时,电池寿命长达13个小时。 这比 WF-1000XM3多了三个非国大小时和五个非国大小时。 在我使用耳机的短暂时间里,我无法确认这些数据,但索尼的说法通常与现实世界的结果一致。The non-ANC 13-hour performance smashes every other true wireless earbuds we’ve seen非非国大13小时的性能破坏每一个其他真正的无线耳塞,我们已经看到
At nine hours with ANC, they come in just one hour shy of Master and Dynamic’s MW07 Plus, but the non-ANC 13-hour performance smashes every other true wireless earbuds we’ve seen, including Samsung’s Galaxy Buds+ which top out at 11 hours.在9个小时的非洲人国民大会上,他们只比 Master 和 Dynamic 的 MW07 Plus 少了一个小时,但非非洲人国民大会13个小时的性能打破了我们见过的所有其他真正的无线耳机,包括三星的 Galaxy Buds + ,它在11个小时内就会达到最高。The charging case only holds a single charge, which is something of a surprise given its physical size. But you can’t argue with the total wire-free time of 26 hours if you need it. For a quick top-up, 10 minutes quick charging gives up to 60 minutes of music playback, according to Sony.这个充电箱只能充一次电,考虑到它的物理尺寸,这是一个惊喜。 但是如果你需要的话,你不能否认总共26小时的无线连接时间。 根据索尼公司的说法,为了快速充电,10分钟的快速充电可以提供60分钟的音乐播放时间。ANC added非洲人国民大会补充道 Cohen / Digital TrendsSony can take a lot of credit for the popularity of active noise cancellation on true wireless earbuds — it’s done more to promote the feature than any other company.索尼在真正的无线耳塞主动消除噪音方面的受欢迎程度可以说是功不可没ーー与其他公司相比,索尼在推广这一功能方面做得更多。The SP800N don’t get Sony’s top-of-the-line ANC tech, the proprietary QN1e ANC chip that sits inside the WF-1000XM3, and Sony won’t say which ANC tech the SP800N uses. But we know this: It works very nicely.Sp800n 没有使用索尼的顶级 ANC 技术,也没有使用 WF-1000XM3内置的专有 QN1e ANC 芯片,而且索尼也没有透露 SP800N 使用的是哪种 ANC 技术。 但是我们知道: 它工作得很好。Reviewing a feature like ANC during a pandemic means I can’t offer much of an opinion on how it performs on a flight, but using a combination of bathroom fans and vacuum cleaners as a substitute, I can safely say the SP800N should have no problem with the white noise of an airplane cabin.Sony won’t say which technology runs the noise canceling on the SP800N, but we know this: It works very nicely.索尼不会透露哪种技术可以在 SP800N 上消除噪音,但我们知道: 它工作得非常好。
Outside is a different story. When using ANC while walking and jogging, I found that even the slightest breeze was causing unwanted noise as the external mics mistakenly tried to compensate for a sound that wasn’t really there.It’s not a big deal, though. The earbuds deliver superb passive sound isolation thanks to the tight seal provided by the eartips, meaning you likely won’t feel the need to engage ANC while outdoors.这没什么大不了的。 耳塞提供了极好的被动隔音效果,这要感谢耳塞提供的紧密密封,这意味着你可能不会觉得有必要在户外接触非国大。Calling all athletes呼叫所有运动员 Cohen / Digital TrendsDespite the wind-related struggles of their ANC, the SP800N have impressive call quality. I’ve put a lot of true wireless earbuds through the phone call test, and these are the first ones my callers described as sounding like I was using my phone — high praise given that most earbuds force you to compromise on the clarity you get when holding your phone to your ear.尽管非洲人国民大会与风有关的斗争,SP800N 拥有令人印象深刻的通话质量。 我在电话测试中放置了很多真正的无线耳机,这些是我的电话听众首先描述的听起来像我在用手机的声音ーー高度赞扬,因为大多数耳机都会迫使你在把手机放在耳边时达到的清晰度上妥协。The wind was occasionally noticeable, as were passing cars, but the overall experience was excellent.风偶尔很明显,过往的车辆也是如此,但总体体验还是很棒的。I did experience one instance where the earbuds lost their connection with my phone during a call, but that seems to have been an isolated event. Wireless connectivity is generally excellent with the SP800N.我确实经历过一个例子,在一次通话中耳塞与我的手机失去了联系,但那似乎是一个孤立的事件。 使用 SP800N,无线连接性通常非常好。Superb sound极好的声音 Cohen / Digital TrendsOne of the benefits of using Sony’s wireless headphones and true wireless earbuds is the company’s Headphones Connect app, which lets you tweak a variety of settings including EQ. Unfortunately, the app wasn’t ready to work with the SP800N during my review period, so I had to make do with Sony’s factory sound settings. And I couldn’t have been happier.使用索尼的无线耳机和真正的无线耳机的好处之一是该公司的耳机连接应用程序,它可以让你调整包括均衡器在内的各种设置。 不幸的是,该应用程序没有准备工作与 SP800N 在我的审查期间,所以我不得不与索尼的工厂声音设置。 我再高兴不过了。If you like your workouts to be accompanied by a driving, bass-forward beat, you will love the SP800N.如果你喜欢你的训练伴随着一个驾驶,低音向前拍,你会爱上 SP800N。
Right out of the box, the SP800N sound amazing. Tones are warm and rich, and the lows, midrange, and highs are well-defined, letting vocals stay crisp and clear. The soundstage is both wide and deep, something that lesser earbuds simply can’t reproduce. And then there’s the bass. It’s deeply resonant and provides an impressive level of immersion for bass-heavy tracks, yet it stops just shy of being overpowering. If you like your workouts to be accompanied by a driving, bass-forward beat, you will love the SP800N.刚出盒子,SP800N 听起来很神奇。 音调温暖而丰富,低音、中音和高音界限明确,让人声保持清脆和清晰。 摄影棚宽而深,一些小耳塞根本无法复制的东西。 然后是低音。 这是深刻的共鸣,并提供了一个令人印象深刻的水平沉浸为低音重的轨道,但它停止只是害羞被压倒。 如果你喜欢你的训练伴随着一个驾驶,低音向前拍,你会爱上 SP800N。If big bass is not to your liking, you can adjust EQ inside the Headphones Connect app, but I wasn’t able to test this.如果你不喜欢大贝司,你可以在耳机连接应用中调节 EQ,但是我不能测试这个。The right touch正确的接触As with Sony’s XM3, all controls are handled via touch-sensitive areas on the earbuds. They’re very accurate, so inadvertent taps are rare, but only the top half of the earbud can be used. This means you’ll need to get used to finding the specific areas with your finger instead of just tapping anywhere on the outside of the earbud. I personally prefer the physical buttons of the Jabra Elite 75t, but the SP800N’s controls work just fine. By default, you get play/pause, track skip, call answer/end, voice assistant access, and ANC mode, but these can be changed inside the Headphones Connect app. If you want volume control, you can have it, but you’ll need to decide which of the other functions you want to swap out for it.与索尼的 XM3一样,所有的控制都是通过耳机上的触摸敏感区域来处理的。 它们非常精确,所以不经意的轻拍很少见,但是只能使用耳塞的上半部分。 这意味着你需要习惯于用你的手指找到特定的区域,而不是仅仅在耳塞外面的任何地方点击。 我个人更喜欢贾布拉精英75t 的物理按钮,但 SP800N 的控制工作正常。 默认情况下,你可以播放 / 暂停,跳过音轨,呼叫应答 / 结束,语音助手访问,以及非国大模式,但是这些都可以在耳机连接应用程序中改变。 如果你想要音量控制,你可以拥有它,但是你需要决定你想用它交换哪些其他函数。Like many premium true wireless earbuds, the SP800N have wear sensors that automatically pause your music when you remove an earbud.像许多高级真正的无线耳塞一样,SP800N 配有传感器,当你移除耳塞时,它会自动暂停播放音乐。Our take我们的报酬For $30 less than Sony’s superb WF-1000XM3, the $200 WF-SP800N deliver everything you could ask for in a set of true wireless earbuds, including excellent sound, decent ANC, enormous battery life, and the full protection of an IP55 water-resistance rating. A slightly bulky charging case that doesn’t do wireless charging is one of its few drawbacks, but I suspect that won’t be a dealbreaker for many.这款售价200美元的 WF-SP800N,比索尼出色的 WF-1000XM3便宜30美元,可以提供一套真正的无线耳机所需的一切,包括出色的声音、像样的 ANC、巨大的电池续航时间,以及 IP55防水等级的完全保护。 不能进行无线充电的稍微笨重的充电箱是它的少数缺点之一,但我怀疑它不会成为许多人的终结者。Is there a better alternative?还有更好的选择吗?If you’re willing to spend $30 more and give up the SP800N’s gargantuan battery and IP55 protection, Sony’s WF-1000XM3 offer better ANC and sound quality. However, we’re only talking about a small improvement to both.如果你愿意多花30美元,放弃 SP800N 庞大的电池和 IP55保护,索尼的 WF-1000XM3提供更好的 ANC 和音质。 然而,我们只是在谈论对这两者的一个小小的改进。For $20 less, perhaps a better contender is Jabra’s $180 Elite 75t. It can’t match the SP800N’s battery life and it doesn’t have ANC, but I think they sound very similar, they’re both IP55, and the Jabras are smaller and more comfortable.价格便宜20美元,也许贾布拉的180美元的 Elite 75 t 是更好的竞争者。 它不能匹配 SP800N 的电池寿命,也没有 ANC,但我认为它们听起来非常相似,它们都是 IP55,而且 Jabras 更小更舒适。How long will it last?这种情况会持续多久?As with most Sony products, the WF-SP800N come with a one-year warranty. But that’s probably not an indicator of the earbuds’ life span. They’re very well-built and with an IP55 rating, there’s very little you can throw at them that they won’t survive. Treat them well and keep them in the charging case when not in use and they should last you many years of regular use.和大多数索尼产品一样,WF-SP800N 有一年的保修期。 但这可能不是耳塞寿命的指标。 它们的结构非常好,而且具有 IP55等级,几乎没有什么东西可以扔给它们,使它们无法生存。 好好对待它们,不用的时候把它们放在充电箱里,它们可以经常使用很多年。Should you buy it?你应该买下它吗?Absolutely. For now, the WF-SP800N occupy a unique position in the true wireless world: They’re more affordable than most premium earbuds and offer fantastic performance in all the areas that matter most.当然。 目前,WF-SP800N 在真正的无线世界中占据了一个独特的位置: 它们比大多数高级耳塞更加实惠,并且在所有最重要的领域都提供了出色的性能。

an0nymous 发表于 2020-5-8 01:48

降噪根AirPods pro对比咋样,如果差不多,那没什么兴趣

-- 来自 有消息提醒的 Stage1官方 iOS客户端

oskneo 发表于 2020-5-8 02:23


Cray 发表于 2020-5-8 02:53

有xm3了 但是还是想要啊。。。毕竟小一点?还带防水看看有没有其他颜色

dafangwoo 发表于 2020-5-8 03:20

喷了 active noise cancelling - 非洲国家大会?

— from samsung SM-G9730, Android 10 of S1 Next Goose v2.2.2.1

dafangwoo 发表于 2020-5-8 03:25



— from samsung SM-G9730, Android 10 of S1 Next Goose v2.2.2.1

神知道的sjd 发表于 2020-5-8 05:29

Classic design with a twist经典设计与扭曲


— from samsung SM-G970F, Android 10 of S1 Next Goose v2.2.2.1

Cray 发表于 2020-5-8 06:16

引用第5楼dafangwoo于2020-05-08 03:25发表的:


听诊器效应这个好难 …我只能换鞋子。

----发送自 Sony H8296,Android 9

kelveen 发表于 2020-5-8 08:03


—— 来自 samsung SM-G9750, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.2.2.1

rahicis 发表于 2020-5-8 08:15

laotoutou 发表于 2020-5-8 08:35


kraxia 发表于 2020-5-8 08:36


vaonon 发表于 2020-5-8 08:43


多汁多水 发表于 2020-5-8 08:59


panda_vs_panda 发表于 2020-5-8 09:08

dafangwoo 发表于 2020-5-8 03:25

不然所有塞子都半斤八两,我偏爱狗环xm3,你喜欢app ...


OTAKU100 发表于 2020-5-8 10:11


lucky95 发表于 2020-5-8 10:41

dafangwoo 发表于 2020-5-8 10:53

panda_vs_panda 发表于 2020-5-8 09:08



— from samsung SM-G9730, Android 10 of S1 Next Goose v2.2.2.1

抹布味道好 发表于 2020-5-8 11:14

西蒙·科恩(Simon Cohen)
索尼WF SP800N评论精选
如果您花了任何时间查看我们对去年最好的真正无线耳塞的总结,您就会知道我们认为Sony WF-1000XM3的世界。它们在噪声消除,声音质量和通话质量等众多领域都表现出色,您必须深入挖掘才能发现任何缺陷。


进入WF-SP800N:索尼对其面向运动的真正无线耳塞的期待已久的更新。价格为200美元,现在的价格更高一些,但索尼似乎已经借鉴了WF-1000XM3的所有经验教训,使SP800N达到了标准。它们现在可以从Amazon和Best Buy预订,5月底开始交付。


Simon Cohen /数字趋势
WF-SP800N遵循与索尼所有耳塞相同的通用设计-它们的机身略长,从耳朵突出。 WF-SP700N的奇怪的利马豆形状已经一去不复返了,但它们仍比当今大多数小得多的耳塞更大。它们也很重。重量为9.5克,比XM3重1克,重量几乎是Jabra的Elite 75t(重5.5克)的两倍。



Simon Cohen /数字趋势
SP800N较大的整体尺寸和集成的耳塞相结合,意味着其充电盒也占了很大的比重。它比Powerbeats Pro和WF-1000XM3的外壳要小,比SP700N随附的大块外壳要小得多,但与Jabra Elite 75t(我在对SP800N的整个评测中使用的型号)相比却很多更大,而不是我所说的袖珍型。在上图中,蓝色外壳实际上是Jabra Elite Active 75t的外壳,但与Elite 75t的外壳相同。

与苹果公司更昂贵的AirPods Pro不同,它没有无线充电选项,只有USB-C。

Simon Cohen /数字趋势

非ANC 13小时的性能打破了我们见过的所有其他真正的无线耳塞

使用ANC的时间为9个小时,与Master and Dynamic的MW07 Plus相比仅相隔一个小时,但非ANC的13小时性能打破了我们见过的所有其他真正的无线耳塞,其中包括三星的Galaxy Buds +,其续航时间高达11个小时。


Simon Cohen /数字趋势

SP800N没有配备Sony的顶级ANC技术,即位于WF-1000XM3内部的专有QN1e ANC芯片,Sony不会透露SP800N使用哪种ANC技术。但是我们知道这一点:它非常好用。





Simon Cohen /数字趋势


我确实经历过一次通话中耳塞与手机失去连接的情况,但这似乎是一个孤立的事件。 SP800N通常具有出色的无线连接性。

Simon Cohen /数字趋势
使用Sony无线耳机和真正的无线耳塞的好处之一就是该公司的Headphones Connect应用程序,它可以让您调整包括EQ在内的各种设置。不幸的是,在我的审查期间,该应用尚未准备好与SP800N配合使用,因此我不得不处理Sony的出厂声音设置。而且我再也没有比这更快乐了。



如果您不喜欢大低音,则可以在Headphones Connect应用程序中调节EQ,但我无法对此进行测试。

与索尼的XM3一样,所有控件都通过耳塞上的触敏区域进行处理。它们非常精确,因此很少有无意轻拍的情况,但是只能使用耳塞的上半部分。这意味着您需要习惯于用手指找到特定的区域,而不仅仅是点击耳塞外部的任何地方。我个人更喜欢Jabra Elite 75t的物理按钮,但是SP800N的控件工作正常。默认情况下,您会获得播放/暂停,曲目跳过,呼叫接听/挂断,语音助手访问和ANC模式,但是可以在Headphones Connect应用程序中进行更改。如果需要音量控制,可以使用它,但是您需要确定要换用其他哪些功能。




少花20美元,也许更好的竞争者就是Jabra的180美元Elite 75t。它无法满足SP800N的电池寿命并且没有ANC,但我认为它们听起来非常相似,均为IP55,Jabras更小,更舒适。




cupman000 发表于 2020-5-8 11:25


ArowRocher 发表于 2020-5-8 11:29

我的降噪豆三 右单元上边的那个零件没了,问保修不管,还不到半年,垃圾。

batrain 发表于 2020-5-8 16:09


EdSheeran 发表于 2020-5-8 16:29

batrain 发表于 2020-5-8 16:09


—— 来自 Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro Premium Edition, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v1.3.1.0

lixueaaa 发表于 2020-5-9 07:02

非国大=African National Congress=ANC

batrain 发表于 2020-5-9 08:00

EdSheeran 发表于 2020-5-8 16:29

—— 来自 Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro Premium Edition, Android 10上的 S1Next-鹅版 v1.3. ...


megumi01 发表于 2020-5-9 09:33

700N除了电池时间不够长其他够用了。。。不过我不太运动 哈
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