宫本茂 和 青沼英二 都十分喜欢《节奏地牢》
《节奏海拉鲁》的开发团队与任天堂直接其实没有大家想的那么多交集,但 宫本茂 和 青沼英二 都十分喜欢《节奏地牢》,他们常常在 Switch 上沉迷这款游戏。于是,在这个重大利好下,这次合作孕育而生了。
以上报道来自于 Game Informer 的编辑 Imran Khan。 独立游戏牌面 这段实际上只是GI三个人在GDC录节目视频的对话,文字报道都算不上。原话是
So I was talking about this on Twitter, and I was saying, ‘Hey I kind of wondered how this happened because it doesn’t seem there’s a lot of cross pollination between Nintendo and Brace Yourself Games.’ I got a DM from somebody who would know, and they pretty much straight up told me it’s just that Miyamoto and Aonuma are huge fans of Crypt of the NecroDancer. When that game came to Switch, they apparently just got addicted to it and were like, ‘Find these people. We need to talk to them
“We were considering making a new Nintendo Switch project,” Clark explained to me “and we imagined how cool it would be to have Zelda characters appearing in NecroDancer; say as DLC.” But Nintendo’s interest apparently grew beyond a simple DLC. “To our surprise, Nintendo was extremely interested in the prospect, and before we knew it we were working on a completely new title, mashing up NecroDancer with The Legend of Zelda!”
On Nintendo’s side, Scott tells me that “developers are always reaching out to Nintendo to include IP in their games,” but clearly something was different this time around. “When you look at a case like Cadence of Hyrule, there’s special cases in some instances where our Japan team see content and see titles that they want to work with and a two-way street, really.”
从NOA的说辞中看确实是任天堂本部有人对节奏地牢产生了兴趣。虽然没明说是谁,但就算真是宫本茂和青沼也不奇怪。 节奏地牢是我唯一一个买了三平台的游戏(IOS switch steam)。。。。。。。 买了ios和steam,但是一关都过不了。。。 ea的时候打通了最底下那层。谁来讲讲和正式版除了关卡数量以外有多大区别 坟头蹦迪蹦到奶奶的剧情模式之后实在是打不下去了
—— 来自 OnePlus ONEPLUS A6000, Android 9上的 S1Next-鹅版 v2.1.2 有没有买了switch版的来说一下操作顺不顺手,像是方向键误触这样的情况多吗? ns双打迷之跟不上节奏,PC倒是完美通关了,坟头蹦迪当年可是拿了不少奖的 真是令人艳羡的经历
-- 来自 有消息提醒的 Stage1官方 iOS客户端 lhawp 发表于 2019-03-31 15:46:34
有没有买了switch版的来说一下操作顺不顺手,像是方向键误触这样的情况多吗? ...非常顺畅,前阵子打折入的也只要20多rmb
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 iOS客户端 同卡在奶奶的剧情关,只有半格血+断拍就掉血对手残太要命了 战术核辣条 发表于 2019-3-31 15:22
—— 来自 OnePlus ONEPLUS A6000, Android 9上 ...