据说正在重置。https://img.3dmgame.com/uploads/images/news/20190201/1549008373_295632.jpg 给commander一个体面的葬礼吧,别再welcome back了。 还我将军啊啊啊啊啊啊 肯定没有啊
但是西木头死了,RTS式微,如同2L所说,只能下葬了 LZ你拿着取消的将军2截图骗鬼呢,你以为那这种图钓鱼游戏区没人认得出来么。
然后回答你的问题,命令与征服在EA手里做出来的雷作实际上只有命令与征服4。现在的问题是,EA那怕真有心做C&C新作,现在场上真正会做RTS的公司一只手就能数过来。而这几个公司里技术水平配得上C&C品牌的一个都没有。 C.W.Nimitz 发表于 2019-2-1 22:14
然后回答你的问题,命 ...
而且4本来就是手游,ea突然取消4的开发然后让手游赶鸭子上架挂羊头卖狗肉,给的工期还短,ea就是个又蠢又坏的傻逼,纯的 EA委托岩石壁画重制c&c1和RA,结果发现源代码保管不全(求证实reddit的声明是否真的)
•Posted byu/EA_Jimtern
Verified: Jim Vessella, EA Producer1 day ago
Remaster Update and Source Code
Fellow Command & Conquer fans,
We hope you had a good holiday season and that your New Year is off to a positive start. On our side, pre-production is continuing in earnest and we completed our first Milestone about two weeks ago. This Milestone included many of our documentation plans for how we want to build the game, and effectively laid the foundation for the rest of our pre-production cycle. Our next step is to begin translating those plans into a first playable prototype, which will hopefully help validate many of those initial concepts.
One of those key items is how we’re going to approach the game from a technical standpoint. We know one of your core questions has been around the game engine, and we’re ready to reveal some of those details below. Now, it’s worth noting that as with all software this early – plans can change – so please understand this is a snapshot of our thinking in January 2019, and does not necessarily guarantee how the game will eventually ship.
To kick things off, one of the most important questions from the community has been the following:
Do we have access to the original source code?
We’re excited to say the short answer is “Yes.” Over the past few months we have been able to acquire the majority of the source code for both the original C&C and original Red Alert. I say majority, because what we have is not a complete archive, and it’s going to continue taking some work to validate the full re-usability of the code. Thankfully, there is no better team than the individuals at Petroglyph to go on this R&D journey.(此处不解1)
So what does all this mean?
Well, it means we’re aiming to re-use parts of the source code to try and keep the gameplay feel as close as possible to the original games. Again, our goal is to Remaster the original gameplay, not remake it. That being said, there are many areas where the original source code just cannot deliver the quality or functionality we’re looking for in many of the supporting elements. That’s where the second piece of the puzzle comes in.
In addition to Petroglyph’s unique familiarity with the original source code, they have also spent the past 15 years optimizing their own proprietary RTS engine called GlyphX. This engine has been used to power Petroglyph’s RTS titles, and comes with many of the recent standards the community would expect from a modern RTS engine. So with that in mind, our goal is to utilize both GlyphX and the original source code to gain the combined benefits towards the Remaster.(此处不解2)
To provide a quick example (Not guaranteed but purely for illustration purposes), imagine using the original source code to determine the charge-up behavior of the Tesla Coil, but utilizing the GlyphX Audio system to ensure the Sound FX are fully enhanced for when that Tesla Coil fires.
As you can predict, there are more details which we’ll learn as we begin to execute upon this plan. But we hope this provides some clarity in the meantime as to how we’re approaching the Remaster from a technical perspective. We’re eager to share more as we begin to prototype the software, and looking forward to hearing your comments in the thread below.
Jim Vessella
Jimtern 底下就有解释了嘛,基本上打算让游戏逻辑和数值相关部分的代码用原引擎的,画面声音之类则用岩画的引擎。
至于他们说代码不完全,就不知道到底不完全到什么地步了,不过反正岩画这群人说不定脑袋里记得,或者至少对当年怎么做的有点印象吧。所以才说他们是最合适研究这代码到底复用程度能有多少。 这不是当初说的网游的图么 多少年了还拿出来
-- 来自 能搜索的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 你敢出我就敢玩 永远记得在pentium 100和Sound Blaster 16上第一次玩到C&C的震撼。要知道之前在386 DX40上玩了不知道多久的Dune 2 只玩过沙丘2000和红警1,想知道红警和C&C是什么关系?资料片? 四季小野 发表于 2019-2-2 09:37
RA本来算是CNC外传(前传性质),后面由于爆火所以独立成系列了,相比CNC那种严肃风格RA系列更加搞怪和荒诞。 ra系列都挺好玩的,后来反而觉得c&c有点不够爽快 四季小野 发表于 2019-2-2 09:37
三代虽然也是公用一套sage引擎,但是系统表现差异比较大。 四季小野 发表于 2019-2-2 09:37
RA1是C&C的前传,RA1的苏联结局接C&C世界线,RA2则是建立在RA1的盟军结局上,等于是平行世界了 cmyk1234 发表于 2019-2-1 07:39
https://www.reddit. ...
Verified: Jim Vessella, EA Producer
而且源代码不全对百分之百还原游戏有影响,但可以弥补,算不上什么大事 如果只是追求飞机坦克的现代战争游戏,那替代品很多。
但如果是“我想要一辆凶猛疯狂的双管坦克”,那还是会有后继的。 其实一直没机会联机玩renegade才是遗憾,不知道会不会复刻 显然没有,去年E3上EA现场演示了一款CNC手游 = = fantastical 发表于 2019-2-2 11:42
民间的Renegade X 同人游戏不是一直有人玩么,现在都把二代的内容做出来了 fantastical 发表于 2019-2-2 11:42