《底特律:成为人类》评分解禁!MC79分IGN:8 GS:7 GI:8
本帖最后由 海岸线zjl 于 2018-5-27 19:20 编辑《底特律:成为人类》由著名的Quantic Dream开发,该开发团队在21世纪成为索尼得力膀臂,为索尼主机开发独占游戏,广受好评。
IGN:8Though I wish its story had been handled with a softer touch, especially considering the subtlety that can be conveyed through its tech and performances, its well-written and acted central trio were vital enough to me that I found myself feeling genuine distress when they were in danger and a sense of victory when they triumphed. Most importantly, Detroit offers a multitude of transparent branching paths that entice further playthroughs, and choices have a permanence that raise the stakes throughout.
Gamespot:7Detroit is well worth playing, but it struggles to strike the right balance between giving you freedom of choice and reminding you that it's all a game in the end. Cage and Quantic Dream are getting closer to nailing this style of game, but it's obvious that there's still room to grow.
Its biggest assets are the relationship building and expansive branching paths. I keep coming back to explore its variations. Not only are they fascinating, but I cared about where I left these characters. The overall message about technology and our future lingers long after the credits roll, making me wonder how I'll handle my relationship with technology as it takes us to new places.
game informer 8
L'info tout court: 9.6/10
PlayStation Enthusiast: 9/10
Push Square: 7/10
A9 9
游民 9.3
Critical Hit: 9/10
Culture of Gaming: 9/10
Joe.ie: No Score
PXL BBQ: 9/10
Sirius Gaming: 9.5/10
Critical Hit: 9/10
Cultura Geek: No score
Culture of Gaming: 9/10
Fragstorm: 100%
Gameblog: 8/10 + Editor's Choice
Gamespot: 7/10
Journal du Geek: 8/10
Quantic Dream一共开发过5款游戏:
Omikron:The Nomad Soul 1999 PC,Dreamcast
MC: GR:74.81%
Fahrenheit 2005 PC,PlayStation 2,Xbox,Android,iOS,Linux,OS X,PlayStation 4
MC:(2015)76 GR:(2015):71.67%
Heavy Rain暴雨 2010 PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4
MC:87 GR:89.23%
Beyond:Two Souls超凡双生 2013 PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4
MC:72 GR:73.14%
Detroit:Become Human底特律:成为人类 2018 PlayStation 4
比炒饭好就行了,0点解锁玩玩看 命运石之门mc也就83分,这分数不错了
-- 来自 能手机投票的 Stage1官方 Android客户端 已经不错了吧。超凡双生和幻象杀手评分也不高,但我觉得暴雨也没比这俩高到哪里去。
这是巨魔演相声呢? 和前面几作差不多,感觉到后期会有吃屎体验,当然还是得玩 巨魔相声还行 看宣传我觉得大概就和直到黎明差不多吧 本帖最后由 Lunamos 于 2018-5-24 21:56 编辑
嗯?又一个轨迹虾? 本帖最后由 luhf 于 2018-5-24 21:12 编辑
今晚看下直播效果再决定是否取消淘宝订单 DavidCage现在在欧美讨不着好的 所以說為什麼要趕走軌跡俠?他不是挺好的嗎? melvin117 发表于 2018-5-24 21:50
我还以为单口相声已经是这帖的下限了,这反咬一口的空气靶子真是猝不及防啊 本来期望就不高 这种类型很难做好 现在的游戏评测也太认真了点,有些游戏看着设定不错,美术讨喜就买了,玩个五六小时就差不多又有新游戏出来了。不过也好歹是60刀,也该对得起这个价格。底特律这个分,感觉值个30刀。
现在巨魔都这么不遮掩了,不过黑名单确实多了一个傻逼 泥潭就这点不好。。巨魔繁殖太快。。黑名单入口还越来越隐蔽。。 是做暴雨那家的吗?我的印象只有。。。操作真鸡儿费劲 Anier 发表于 2018-5-24 21:50
用别的巨魔来洗轨迹侠,不是蠢就是坏。轨迹侠这种直接追着人骂脏话的家伙被封有什么奇怪的。 ...
你疯了吧开两个小号对着空气自嗨。不会说人话就闭嘴,TROLL不是这么玩的。 不错,S1黑名单+1。
—— 来自 samsung SM-N9500, Android 8.0.0上的 S1Next-鹅版 v1.3.3.2-play melvin117 发表于 2018-5-24 21:50
看到唯一具有未来感的地方是you can buy a lifelike android to help out around the house那段笑了