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[资源] 崔斯特结局的DND官方小说……真没人怀疑崔斯特是罗丝儿子?

发表于 2017-8-23 11:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 xjtxp 于 2017-8-24 22:38 编辑









成为罗丝选民的老班瑞主母,通过灵魂转生附身自己孙女Yvonnel的身体重生,然后在上一本对自己身体施展法术加速生长,快速变成二十多岁的形态。哦……我想还是叫她Yvonnel吧,她这本里的性格变化……重生前的老班瑞会表示丢不起这人 = =



……好吧,其实罗丝说的是生命中没有了混乱和敌人就太空虚无聊,原话Drojal zhah obdoluth dorb’d streeak,Lueth dro zhah zhaunau dorb’d ogglin,译为英语(通用语)是:Existence is empty without chaos,And life is boring without enemies没把崔斯特跟背叛自己的选民Yvonnel以及其他任何人怎么样,离开。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xjtxp 于 2017-8-23 12:04 编辑


IN THE SCRYING room in House Baenre, Yvonnel watched the scene unfold. This was her trigger, the suggestion that she had placed upon Drizzt Do’Urden.

She had felt the tingle of magical warning when Catti-brie hinted of a family to Drizzt, and that sensation had sent her running to this place, to bring forth the image of the ranger.

And now she saw Vidrinath drawn, so expertly, so smoothly, so swiftly, that Catti-brie clearly hadn’t even noticed!

Yvonnel held her breath and shook her head, so suddenly unsure, so suddenly full of regret.

“IS IT ERRTU?” Drizzt demanded.

Catti-brie stepped back, her eyes widening as she finally noted Vidrinath in Drizzt’s hand.

“Errtu?” Drizzt asked again. “Tell me!”


“Or Demogorgon, come to repay me?” the drow asked, advancing as Catti-brie retreated.

“Drizzt …”

“Or you, foul Lolth?”

Up came the blade, level and sliding for Catti-brie’s throat.

“Do you think to fool me? Do you think—” he shouted as he struck.

Catti-brie gasped and dived away as the blade nicked her neck, drawing blood, and it was only that bright blood that saved her, that at last stayed Drizzt’s hand.

He couldn’t bear it. He knew this wasn’t Catti-brie, that it was some demonic deception, likely some demon itself in most diabolical disguise.

But he couldn’t stab her. He could not bring harm to this image, this deception, this beautiful, wonderful creature he had come to love more dearly than his own life itself.

He couldn’t.

“Damn you, Lolth!” Drizzt cried, spinning away. “Be done! Be done!”

He turned completely around to face Catti-brie once more, and the sight of her halted his spinning thoughts, her blue eyes opened wide in shock, her nostrils flared in anger, her arms waving.

Drizzt leaped at her, but she had the lead then and her spell caught him in mid-stride and sent him flying back against the wall, a great wind pressing him there.

He covered himself in magical darkness. He didn’t want the woman to see him in his shame and defeat.

But the darkness was dispelled and there hovered Catti-brie, floating off the ground now, and there crouched Guenhwyvar beside her, ears flattened, eyes locked upon Drizzt, telling him that if he moved against Catti-brie, he’d catch the panther first.

“What is wrong with you?” Catti-brie demanded, reaching up to her throat, and retracting bloody fingers. “How dare …”

“Just be done with it,” Drizzt replied. He slumped against the wall in total despair.

“Done with what?”

Drizzt spat on the floor. He knew now that this was all a deception. All of it! The magical forest, the resurrection of lost friends, the return of Entreri, even—all of it! A demonic trick to utterly break him.

Catti-brie backed to the door, Guenhwyvar in front of her, protecting her.

Drizzt dropped his scimitar and reached for her plaintively.

But then he got hit by a gigantic, magically summoned disembodied hand, which appeared in the air beside him and punched him in the side, sending him flying to the floor.

Catti-brie chanted and the rug beneath Drizzt came alive and enwrapped him, rolling him around with ease, coiling over him.

He didn’t resist. He didn’t try to wriggle out before the fabric tightened around him. He wanted to simply die.

And Guenhwyvar was there in front of him. Guen! Beautiful Guen, his oldest friend, her ears back, her fangs revealed in a long and angry growl.

Drizzt couldn’t move, couldn’t even shift his face against the press of the animated carpet. He saw Catti-brie come into view behind the panther. He saw the blood on her neck.

He saw the tears glistening on her cheeks.

“Know me love, and aye, but I do love ye—or might that I did!—that if ye e’er lift yer blade or yer hand against me again …”

She seemed as if she could barely speak and was trembling so badly that Drizzt thought she might simply fall over. She slapped her hand to her neck again and Drizzt thought of the poison.

“If e’er,” she said through gritted teeth. “Aye, but I’ll be th’end o’ ye. Don’t ye doubt …”

She gasped and stumbled out of the room, Guenhwyvar following.

Perhaps Drizzt could have extracted himself from the carpet then, but he didn’t even try. He hoped it would squeeze tighter, hoped it would squeeze the life out of him.

BACK IN HOUSE Baenre, Yvonnel sweated and gasped for breath, overcome with …

She fell back, astonished by her own feelings.

She had sent Drizzt to this place, had placed a suggestion that would play upon the Abyssal madness in his mind to launch him into a murderous rage against Catti-brie—not for the reasons Yvonnel had told her idiot aunts, though. Not completely at least. With Catti-brie dead and Drizzt broken, Yvonnel would find him and take him away.

And he would be hers, and what a plaything he would prove!

But now, with this scene playing in front of her, Yvonnel was surprised to discover that she could feel no disappointment at the unexpected outcome.

Indeed, she was overcome with relief.

Despite the devious Yvonnel’s mighty enchantment, despite the Abyssal madness swirling in his broken mind, Drizzt couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Was it possible that he loved something more than he loved his own life?

Was that possible for anyone?

If Drizzt had killed Catti-brie in that moment, Yvonnel only then realized to her utter astonishment, she wouldn’t really want him as anything more than a temporary distraction. But now … There was more to this than any desire she might have for the unconventional rogue. The implications reached deeper than anything Drizzt might or might not ever do. But how?

She wasn’t sure. She searched her memories, the seemingly endless memories of Matron Mother Yvonnel the Eternal, and could find no suitable answer to the puzzle that was Drizzt Do’Urden.

The mighty witch of Menzoberranzan waved the image out of the scrying pool, turning the water still and dark.

She leaned on her folded arms on the edge of the stoup and closed her eyes, reaching back into her thoughts and deeper into the memories of her namesake to find an answer, some answer, any answer.

But she only knew what she felt.

A long while later, she lifted her head to stare into the empty water. She brought her hand forth to stir it, to see the ripples.

“You didn’t kill her,” the confused and intrigued and thrilled Yvonnel whispered to the empty room. “You magnificent heretic, you didn’t kill her.”



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 11:56 | 显示全部楼层

“I am Yvonnel … Baenre,” she said. “The daughter of Archmage Gromph.”

“Then you should thank me,” Malcanthet retorted, hardly seeming impressed or fearful. “For by my hand is Lolth’s most hated heretic destroyed.”

Malcanthet smiled when she noted the newcomer’s slight wince.

“You should leave,” Yvonnel said evenly. “Be far gone.”

“Do you presume to order me about, child of Lolth?”

“It is a prudent warning,” Yvonnel replied, her voice growing stronger. “Your presence here is not unknown, to House Baenre and to powerful enemies you have made in this land. An army approaches, and with mighty foes among its ranks.”

“The pathetic king?” Malcanthet asked. “Good, I wish to see him dead.” She kicked Concettina, just because, tossing the woman to the side of the passageway to crash against the wall where she groaned and cried. Then Malcanthet stepped over and grabbed her up roughly, with frightening strength, and slammed her down on the floor in front of her.

“And others,” Yvonnel said. “Others have noticed much about your presence as well. Do you know me, Malcanthet? I am Yvonnel, who led Menzoberranzan to the demise of Demogorgon.”

Malcanthet hissed and lifted her whip arm.

“I came to find you, to offer you fair warning,” Yvonnel retorted and didn’t back away.

“You think to destroy me?”

Yvonnel shook her head and shrugged. “You know the games we all play,” she explained. “We choose our sides among constant war.”

“And you choose against me?” asked the incredulous succubus.

“In a war against him?” Yvonnel asked, her tone equally incredulous, and she turned and led the succubus’s gaze down the hall beyond her to a far corner where smoke billowed and a tall, black-skinned, demonic humanoid appeared, all smoke and haze and fire, and with a huge wavy sword.

Malcanthet’s eyes went wide. “Graz’zt,” she breathed.

Yvonnel smiled. The Hunzrins fell aside, clearing the way for the possibly titanic fight.

“You have made a great enemy this day!” Malcanthet warned Yvonnel. With a feral growl, the succubus lifted her foot and crushed it down upon poor Concettina, grinding her against the stone.

“Look over your shoulder forevermore!” Malcanthet yelled, but she didn’t crack her whip at Yvonnel, and didn’t charge. She wanted no part of Graz’zt.

Malcanthet spun and cast a spell, splitting the very air open wide as if it were a door, and through it she went, disappearing from view.

Back to the Abyss, Yvonnel knew, and she breathed a great sigh of relief.



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 11:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xjtxp 于 2017-8-24 22:47 编辑


“Oh no,” she said again. She closed her eyes to concentrate, whispered a spell and cast it. A minor wave of healing washed over the fallen ranger.

And she opened her eyes and realized that she had done nothing of consequence.

“Oh, the Hunzrins,” she said, and silently cursed herself for dismissing them too quickly. “We must catch …” she started to say, but a slight gasp from Drizzt stopped her, turned her to him.

From the memories of Yvonnel the Eternal, this Yvonnel knew well the final rattles in the breathing of a dying person. They could not catch Charri Hunzrin and the others in time.

Yvonnel stood and paced, slapping her hands over her eyes and crying out to the Spider Queen.

“Lolth, hear me!” she begged, casting a spell of communion. “I know you care for him!”

You know nothing, child, she heard in her head, and to her horror, Yvonnel recognized Yiccardaria’s voice.

She knew then that she was doomed, that they were all doomed.

Yvonnel went to Drizzt, shoving the others aside, and cradled his head. “Would you let him die like this?”

“Would you give yourself for him?” came a disembodied and gurgling, watery voice, filling the corridor.

Wulfgar, Regis, and Entreri formed a triangle, shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-back, around the terrified Concettina. The three had their weapons out, though all sensed how futile such implements would likely prove.

“Would you give yourself for him?” the voice, Yiccardaria’s voice, said again, and then Yvonnel heard in her head, Summon me if you wish him to live.

“You ask me to die …” Yvonnel whispered.

I did not say you would die.

“You did not say I would not!” Yvonnel answered.

No, I did not, the magical voice agreed. Choose now.

Yvonnel looked to Drizzt, then to the others, and said, “Run. For your lives, be as far away as you can.”

“I’m not leaving him,” Regis said, moving behind Drizzt.

The others joined him, forming a line across the hall, and Concettina, clearly at a loss, fell in behind them.

“I have no time for …” Yvonnel started to reply.

“Do as you would,” Entreri told her. “We are not leaving him.”

With a sigh, Yvonnel rushed back up the tunnel a bit and began spellcasting, a mighty dweomer to open a gate to the Abyss.

She fell back and held her breath as the black gate flickered and filled, and Yiccardaria came through, in her natural and grotesque form, a pile of mud waving tentacles.

The handmaiden stopped there and gestured back at the portal, adding her own magic, and the black gate flickered and filled again.

And something else came through.

And she was beautiful beyond compare, mocking the trembling drow woman in front of her, who gulped and gasped and fell to her knees.

And the drow woman became a giant drider then, just for a moment, just so that the other witnesses would understand the truth and be afraid.

“We’re dead,” Entreri whispered.

Concettina fell to her knees and wept.

Regis’s dagger fell to the floor, his hand too weak to hold it. The tip of his rapier, too, scraped the stone.

“You surprise me, child,” said the Spider Queen. She seemed amused.

“I … I …”

Lolth laughed at her, then hissed and waved a hand in front of Yvonnel’s face.

Something roiled within the daughter of Gromph, rising like bile. At the very last moment, she recognized it for what it was and she spun to face Drizzt and verily vomited a spell at him, a mighty spell that washed into him and physically moved him with its sheer magical energy.

He rolled over, coughed, and leaped up—awake, healed, and facing Entreri, Regis, Wulfgar, and the sobbing woman beside him. Their expressions clued him into turning around.

Then Drizzt nearly fell over again.

“As you asked,” Lolth said to Yvonnel.

“Take me,” Yvonnel whispered.

Lolth snorted and Yvonnel was magically thrown aside, toyed with by a mere thought from the mighty Queen of the Demonweb Pits, and slammed into the wall, where she cowered.

“At long last, Drizzt Do’Urden,” the Spider Queen said.

Drizzt stood straight at her and did not blink.

“Are you not afraid?”

He didn’t blink.

“Perhaps I tire of your insolence,” Lolth said. “I demand your fealty.”

“I cannot give you that.”

“Denounce Mielikki!”

“She is not mine to denounce,” Drizzt admitted, and a crack in Lolth’s omnipotence appeared then when a cloud of confusion briefly colored her face.

“I can destroy all that you love,” Lolth warned.

“So I have come to expect,” said Drizzt.

“Do you know the pain I could give you?”

“I do,” Drizzt answered before she even finished.

“Good,” she purred.

Drizzt squared his shoulders.

“And you can avoid that, all of it,” Lolth said. “And your friends will be spared, even your precious Catti-brie.”

Drizzt winced at the mention of his beloved wife. But as soon as he swallowed that shock, he understood that anything and everything she promised or threatened was irrelevant to anything and everything he might do. Lolth was too far above him in every way. She would do as she pleased, whatever his course, and he could no more influence her actions than he could lift Faerûn out of the oceans.

“Kneel to me!” she demanded, and it carried magical weight that shoved Drizzt to his knees.

“And how dare you look upon me without my permission!” she cried, and a second blast of magic forced his gaze to the floor.

But in there, against the magical suggestion, Drizzt Do’Urden saw a single light, a candle in his memory.

He looked up at Lolth.

He moved through the magic and stood.

“So much can I take from you,” she warned. “Worship me!”

“What you ask is not mine to give,” he explained.

Lolth sneered and waved her hand, and the corridor behind Drizzt filled with thick webs, lifting his three friends and Concettina from the floor, catching them fully and holding them fast.

Drizzt glanced back at their gasps, unable to resist, and he saw them, trapped and helpless, and saw, too, the thousands of small spiders gathering on the ceiling.

“Worship me,” Lolth calmly demanded.

“How?” Drizzt asked innocently. “I cannot control that which is in my heart, and that which is in my heart is not aligned with the way of Lolth.”

Lolth growled, a most feral sound, and behind Drizzt, the clatter of spider legs increased.

And his friends began to cry out in pain, voices muffled by webs, agony obvious.

They were being eaten, every one, by tiny spiders.

“I will have you, Drizzt Do’Urden,” a grinning Lolth promised.

“No,” Drizzt said simply.

Behind him, Entreri managed to mutter between grimaces and groans, “Not what she wanted to hear,” but Drizzt barely registered it.

He found the candle in his thoughts, dropped into his meditative pose, and there found peace, removed from the scene.

Because there was nothing he could do, nothing he could even pretend to do. Long ago had Drizzt Do’Urden come to understand the truth of this “worship,” that it was not strained, that it was not even given, that, truly, it was not even accepted.

It just was, a way of heart and belief and shared joy.

It could not be created.

It could not be coerced.

It could not be altered.

It just was.

Drizzt removed himself from the pain around him, went away with his thoughts to a place where he could not hear the cries. He felt a twinge of regret, a momentary wave of guilt, but he fast suppressed it.

There was nothing he could do. This was Lolth, a goddess. Drizzt could pull Taulmaril from his belt and shoot her in the face and the arrow would not come close to hitting her—or of hurting her if it did. This was no dragon in front of him, no normal demon, not even Demogorgon. This was something all together different, something all together greater and beyond.

So Drizzt went away, and so removed from the scene was he that he was genuinely surprised when he was grabbed by the tunic and hoisted up into the air with horrifying strength and frightening ease.

The sounds behind him had greatly diminished, not a cry of agony, not a scuffling spider leg. He wasn’t sure how long he’d gone away, and he feared they were all dead behind him.

The soft sobbing of a woman—Concettina—gave him a tiny flicker of hope.

“I am not just pain,” Lolth said to him, her face very near his, and in a voice very different. “I am pleasure.”

And she kissed him, urgently, passionately, and a thousand fires of tickling electricity coursed through him, teasing him, tempting him.

She pulled him back and smiled alluringly. “On a word, it is all yours.”

But Drizzt shrugged and shook his head.

Lolth dropped him to his feet and he fell back as if struck. For a moment, in the angry eyes of Lolth, Drizzt imagined a horrible death flying for him.

But she calmed, and laughed.

“I do not just take away, Drizzt Do’Urden,” she said. “I can give as well. Call to your panther.”

Drizzt hesitated.

Lolth held out her hand and he followed the motion to look behind him. There was a pouch on the ground there, right in front of the webbing and his trapped, but very much alive, friends. His pouch, he realized, which held the onyx figurine.

“I can bring her myself,” Lolth promised, and Drizzt didn’t doubt it.

He called to Guenhwyvar and watched the mist form and coalesce. And the panther was there, and Drizzt felt his heart fall.

Guenhwyvar flopped pitifully, her body not answering her demands. She whimpered and fell over and tried to right herself, but to no avail.

Drizzt could hardly stand the sight. He thought to pull Taulmaril, not to shoot Lolth but to put Guenhwyvar out of this misery.

“Guen, be gone!” he begged.

“No,” said Lolth, and the panther did not disappear. “I’ll not allow that.”

Drizzt turned to regard her, then began to fall into his crouch once more, to go away.

But Lolth cast a spell past him, and he turned to see Guenhwyvar restored.

The panther crouched and issued a growl.

Lolth laughed at her and waved her hand, throwing Guenhwyvar back into the web, where she, too, was caught fast.

“See?” she asked when Drizzt turned back to her. “I am not without my gifts. I am much more than simple pain and torment.”

Drizzt conceded the point with a slight nod.

“Worship me,” she said. “Know my love.”

“No. I cannot, and you know I cannot.”

Lolth licked her lips, the slight wetness shining alluringly. “I can give him back to you,” she said.

Drizzt swallowed hard, suddenly afraid.

“You know that I can.”

“Zaknafein denied you,” Drizzt said, simply because he had to hear it spoken aloud. “He is not with you.”

“Would that matter?” she asked, not denying his retort. “I can give him back to you. You know that I can.”

Her grin showed Drizzt that she believed she had him then.

But she did not. Because she could not.

“I cannot give you what you want,” he said simply. “I could not worship you whatever your gifts, your pleasures, your threats. Such a thing is not to be given. I could serve you, and so I shall if that is your price, so long as that service is not at the expense of an undeserving innocent. Never that.”

He considered his own words and shrugged. “Or no, not even could I do that, I expect.”

“You would let your friends die, you would let your beloved Guenhwyvar wallow in agony, you would turn away from the thought of seeing Zaknafein, simply because you do not believe in the gods?”

“Or because I believe in something greater still,” Drizzt said. “Something that speaks to justice and that which is right.”

Lolth scoffed at him and pointedly said again, “I can restore Zaknafein to your side! All you need to do is offer your fealty to me.”

“If you ever expected anything like that from me, you would not have taken Zaknafein from me in the first place, nor the many others you have taken to your torment.”

He looked back over his shoulder, to Artemis Entreri hanging awkwardly and clearly in pain, his face red from spider bites. And despite it all, Artemis Entreri returned a smile.

“And if ever you hoped to convince me that you seek to change, to go to these places of justice and that which is right,” he said with confidence and clear strength, “then you would have restored Zaknafein to my side long ago. Without condition.”

Lolth narrowed her eyes.

“You would have me lie? To what end?” Drizzt asked. “Fear is not fealty and worry is not worship.”

Lolth’s demeanor changed again. Her laughter seemed lighthearted, which made Drizzt believe the final blade was about to fall.

But she looked to the side. “I gave to you a great gift,” she told Yvonnel.

The young woman shrugged.

“Look at her,” Lolth told Drizzt. “She is but a few years old, and yet she is imbued with the wisdom and memories of the very eldest of my children. And power! Oh, great power that comes from me. But where is Yvonnel’s gratitude, I wonder?”

Yvonnel didn’t answer, and Lolth snickered.

“You amuse me,” she told Drizzt, told them both. She grabbed Drizzt again and forced another kiss, though again, for all her magical enticements and hinted promises, he did not kiss her back.

“Drojal zhah obdoluth dorb’d streeak,” she whispered, though all in the corridor heard. “Lueth dro zhah zhaunau dorb’d ogglin.”

And she was gone, and the gate was gone, and the webs were gone, and the five captives dropped back to the floor.

“What did she say?” Regis was the first to ask.

“ ‘Existence is empty without chaos,’ ” an unnerved Yvonnel translated the first part.

“ ‘And life is boring without enemies,’ ” Artemis Entreri, who spoke fluent Drow, finished.

“What does it mean?” the halfling asked.

Drizzt and Yvonnel looked at each other but neither had any idea.

Drizzt was about to offer some comforting words to his little friend—they were alive, after all, and that seemed quite an improvement over expectations—but before he could begin to talk, a commotion of air and sparkling lights came through the tunnel wall not far from Yvonnel, who fell back defensively.

Those lights coalesced, sparkling and spinning, then seemed like a rabble of butterflies dancing on unseen current before settling to the floor. And down there, the mat of colors expanded, rose, and Grandmaster Kane stood at the fighting ready in their midst.

He looked around and relaxed, seeing no threat—though he kept a wary eye on the strange, obsidian-skinned creature farther up the hall.

“An illusion,” Yvonnel told him, nodding at her spriggan creation.

“The army of King Yarin has come, and is outside these tunnels,” Kane informed them. “The Order of the Yellow Rose stands beside them, and with a dragon beside us.” He looked at the halfling down the hall and added, “And the Kneebreakers.”

“The demon that possessed Queen Concettina is gone,” Yvonnel told him, indicating the woman who stood beside Wulfgar. “She is free.”

“We are all free,” said Drizzt, and Yvonnel nodded.

……好吧,其实罗丝说的是生命中没有了混乱和敌人就太空虚无聊,原话Drojal zhah obdoluth dorb’d streeak,Lueth dro zhah zhaunau dorb’d ogglin,译为英语(通用语)是:Existence is empty without chaos,And life is boring without enemies




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发表于 2017-8-23 12:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-8-23 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
我擦螺丝你是善良阵营的女神吗? 有种被放闪光弹的感觉是闹哪样

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发表于 2017-8-23 13:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

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发表于 2017-8-23 13:21 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-8-23 13:25 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-8-23 14:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-8-23 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
sd4442312 发表于 2017-8-23 13:25

他不是老的打不动了吗  长寿种族就是好 拖死别人

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发表于 2017-8-23 14:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-8-23 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
我还想看崔斯特一群人干死螺丝呢  等了这么多年你就给我看这个

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-23 14:22 | 显示全部楼层
lostneverland 发表于 2017-8-23 14:04

THE SECOND FIREBALL had hurt him. He felt scarred in his throat and had to work hard to draw a full breath. But he couldn’t stop.

Artemis Entreri rushed around the front of the hearth, taking care to avert his eyes from that horrible mirror.

He saw the demon, moving to the right side of the room, near the pool, putting distance between herself and him, Entreri knew.

Then he saw Drizzt.

The assassin’s heart fell. She had her teeth in Drizzt’s neck and he wasn’t fighting it. He wasn’t doing anything, just hanging limp, as if dead. He wasn’t even holding his scimitars any longer, having dropped them back behind the hearth.

The demon looked up at Entreri and spread her wings like a crowning eagle. Her face was covered in Drizzt’s blood, and so was the side of Drizzt’s neck and chest.

And still he didn’t move.

A flicker of hope appeared, a black flicker of flying hope, as Guenhwyvar charged into the room and sprang at the demon.

With a feral growl, Artemis Entreri charged right behind.

He heard the crack of the whip, the retort halting him, but he started in once more, wincing. The cat had been struck directly and crashed to the floor, skidding as if she would slide right into the demon and Drizzt. But the panther slid through the pair, becoming an insubstantial mist, dissipating back to her Astral home.

With a single snap of that awful whip, this fiend had destroyed the mighty panther!

And now Entreri saw the whip reaching out at him, delicately, dangerously, arcs of black lightning following its curling sweep.

At the last moment, so the demon could not alter the angle of the strike as she had done with Drizzt, Entreri sprang over the whip and into a roll. He didn’t get hit, just barely escaping, but the thunderous retort did sting him and send him farther along his way.

He rolled to his feet, pivoted, and threw himself into a straight run at the demon.

Out came the whip, and again, at the last moment, Entreri fell aside, narrowly avoiding that brutal crackle. Now he was closer, though—too close for the demon to execute a third strike. Charon’s Claw cut fast for the demon’s open left side. Her arm came out to block—and she took the hit with her bare flesh.

Bare flesh and magical enchantments, clearly, for such a stroke from that red-bladed sword should have severed her arm with ease. It did draw a deep gash, but the demon seemed not to care. The hit didn’t slow her, and Entreri had been certain the sword’s life-killing sting, a product of the lower planes, would have little effect on her.

The demon smiled, mocking him, and continued her swing. Entreri was shocked by the strength of that backhand, so powerful it halted him in his rush and sent him staggering back. His shoulder went numb and Charon’s Claw flew from his grasp and splashed into the pool.

He leaped right back in close—what else might he do?—and grabbed on for all his life.

He didn’t stab with the dagger, not right away, because he saw one desperate chance.

But he knew that chance would almost certainly cost him his life.

So be it.

The demon’s hand grabbed him with frightening strength and he felt as if his shoulder was being crushed. But Artemis Entreri held on. He grabbed Drizzt’s nearest arm, hanging limp and lifeless, and forced his dagger into Drizzt’s hand, his own hand closing over it, guiding it to stab the demon in the belly.

She slugged Entreri hard, sending him flying away, crashing down near the hearth. Barely holding on to consciousness, the assassin crawled, desperate to reach Drizzt’s scimitars.

The demon roared and Entreri thought his life surely over. He threw himself to the weapons, grabbed up Icingdeath, and rolled to face his doom.

But the demon wasn’t roaring at him, nor as much in shock and pain as rage. The dagger had punctured, just a bit, and drank, drawing the demon’s great life-force and transferring it to the wielder, giving Drizzt just enough awareness to hold on for all his life.

The demon’s eyes widened in horror. With a growl, she bit down on Drizzt’s neck again and began drawing forth his life, feasting on it as he feasted on hers.

They moved around in circles in some sort of macabre dance, and the sheer horror of the spectacle had Entreri gasping through his burned throat and mouth.

“Now,” he told himself, thinking he had one chance, and he scooped up Vidrinath as well and leaped to his feet.

But there was no opening. The demon convulsed, a great exhale and shove, and sent Drizzt flying limply to the side to hit the floor and roll about like a dead seal caught in the surf.

The demon’s eyes and smile widened, all the more garish because of the blood covering her face. She didn’t seem seriously wounded, and Entreri knew that he was doomed.

She strode for him deliberately and determinedly, slowly, that gruesome expression taunting him.

But then she stopped and straightened, and looked confused. She spun, and her newest attacker moved with her, staying behind her.

A halfling, dripping wet, held a beautiful rapier in his hand, its tip bloody from the stab in the demon’s back. It hadn’t done much damage, clearly, and the halfling looked panicked as he struck with a different weapon—and not a three-bladed dagger.

Entreri stared incredulously as Regis brought a flat gemstone up against the small hole he had poked into the demon’s back.

Around came the demon, and Regis tried to flee but wound up flying, along with the gemstone and the rapier, at the back of her hand. He crashed down hard, cried out in terror, and ran for the pool, leaping for the water and disappearing under it just as the whip cracked and lit the surface with a sheen of sparkling lightning.

The demon, furious now, spun back on Entreri, who tried to get to her once more. She lifted her whip for the killing stroke.

Entreri dived back, rolling repeatedly, trying to put the hearth between them.

But the strike didn’t come and the demon lurched and walked weirdly, stumbling. She cursed, but the words were garbled, her mouth twisting awkwardly as if she couldn’t control herself.

She stumbled into a run, angled for the door, and crashed out of the room. Just outside, she roared in outrage.

Entreri wasn’t about to give chase.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 14:38 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

----发送自 Xiaomi MI 6,Android 7.1.1

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 14:45 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 15:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 15:11 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
真是令人吐血的 说真 为啥会和凯蒂混在一起  这看不懂啊 卧槽。明明银月城的老娘们更适合才是啊。沃夫加这绿帽真是 。。。。另外不得不提  老崔 果然是恩崔立的真爱。。。。基的来

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 16:05 | 显示全部楼层
黑暗精灵系列真是太多了 有没人翻译点别的...

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-23 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 03:16 | 显示全部楼层
6847651 发表于 2017-8-23 01:06
我还想看崔斯特一群人干死螺丝呢  等了这么多年你就给我看这个


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 04:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 05:33 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 07:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
DOACAON 发表于 2017-8-24 03:16


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 08:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 09:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 09:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

—— 来自 Jiayu S3, Android 7.1.2上的 S1Next-鹅版 v1.3.0.2

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 09:55 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 10:03 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-24 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
索拉利斯 发表于 2017-8-24 10:03
真TM还不如隔壁的传教士小说,最后让一代英雄死个精光 ...



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-24 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
qwased 发表于 2017-8-24 09:54

—— 来自 Jiayu S3, Android 7.1.2上的 S1Next-鹅版 v1.3.0.2 ...



使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 11:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 11:32 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 12:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 14:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-8-24 16:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-24 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
askl80 发表于 2017-8-24 16:55
另 ...


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