KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-22 23:37

[剧透]rwby V3C12可堪称Bug眼剧情的经典,可列入教科书

本帖最后由 KissMoon 于 2016-2-23 00:31 编辑


法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-22 23:44

孙吧星人 发表于 2016-2-22 23:56


KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-22 23:59

孙吧星人 发表于 2016-2-22 23:56


逸yi 发表于 2016-2-23 00:16

KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-23 00:44

话说,第一眼看到太阳小龙会不会以为是小强可能是区分是否是资深粉的标志,我看一个四老外齐看的,那个黑人小哥第一句就是he is j。虽然明显在讲笑

万劫夜 发表于 2016-2-23 09:53

逸yi 发表于 2016-2-23 00:16
简直酸爽得不行 弄出那么多神经病p党2333


drodchang 发表于 2016-2-24 12:15


KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-24 15:34

drodchang 发表于 2016-2-24 12:15
那个眼睛不算什么太大的bug,rwby的问题是剧本基本木有连续性,以及不小学生编剧。 ...



"Do you believe in destiny?" "Yes."
by Shockz0rz
I think there might be a couple posts on this already, but I wanted to put up my thoughts on the significance of Pyrrha's last words, and Cinder's reply.
Now, I've already gushed at length about the entire scene, and how perfectly executed it was, in a couple comment threads, and in those threads people have pointed out a few things I wasn't aware of before. So now, here's my big wall-o'-text on the last words of Pyrrha Nikos.
现在我已经在一些帖子中滔滔不绝地谈了关于整部剧有多好,以及是被如此完美地拍摄出来的。在这些帖子中,一些人指出了之前我没有注意到的事情。下面是我对Pyrrha Nikos遗言的长篇大论。

"Do you believe in destiny?"
We first heard this line from Pyrrha way back in V3C8--"Destiny", appropriately enough--when she was voicing her worries to Jaune about getting into the Maiden-O-Matic pod and having Amber's soul zapped into hers. We find out immediately thereafter that Pyrrha has kind of a strange definition of "destiny": She doesn't believe in any sort of predestined fate; rather, she believes your destiny is something you make for yourself, something you work towards your entire life. (I've had one person tell me that this is closer to the classical meaning of "destiny", as opposed to the modern meaning, where it's pretty much a synonym of "fate". Dunno if that's true, but it wouldn't surprise me.)
我们第一次听到这句话,是Pyrrha在 V3C8 “Destiny”中的台词,当时她正向Jaune倾诉自己即将走进那个传输少女之力的舱室并将Amber的灵魂融入自己的焦虑。我们很快发现Pyrrha对“Destiny”有着一种与众不同的定义。她并不相信某种被提前设置好的命运,相反,她更宁愿相信一个人的destiny是你为自己而创造,并为之而奋斗一生的某种东西。(有人曾告诉我这种理解更接近与destiny这个词更为古典的含义,而非现在普遍理解的,更近似于fate的那种含义。我不知道对不对,但是如果真是那样的话,我也不会觉得很惊讶。)

And Pyrrha believes her destiny is to protect Remnant. Not any specific person or group; no, Pyrrha thinks big. She wants to protect the world. Initially she thought she'd do that by becoming a huntress; later, despite her misgivings, she thought she'd accomplish it by becoming the Fall Maiden.
Cut to V3C12. Everything's gone to shit. Beacon is being overrun by Grimm, Cinder's put an arrow through Amber's heart and claimed the full power of the Fall Maiden, and Ozpin's just told Pyrrha and Jaune to GTFO before Cinder kills them both. And as the two of them run outside, they hear something that sounds distinctly like a homicidal Fall Maiden flying up an elevator shaft. Unpursued.
And right at that moment, something clicks in Pyrrha's mind. This is it, she realizes. This is what I have to do.
There's no rational reasoning behind it, no particular logic that tells her she will succeed where Ozpin failed. Faith that her destiny, her life goal of protecting Remnant, lies at the top of that tower.
Jaune doesn't get it, of course. That kind of faith rarely makes sense from an outside perspective. She can't explain it; all she can do is break both their hearts with a first--and last--kiss. Then she shoves him into the rocket locker and sends him away for help, and Magnetos her way up to the top of the tower.
Jaune并不明白这些。当然,这样的信仰在旁人看来确实难以理解,她也无法解释。她所能做的只有献上那令人心碎的初吻,也是最后一吻。她把他推进那个Rocket Locker,让他去寻求帮助,而自己却用磁力来到了塔顶。

The fight that follows, of course, is quite possibly the greatest of the entire show so far. We see Pyrrha, impossibly,hold her own against a fully empowered Fall Maiden. And for just a moment, we believe, and see her believe, that she might win, or at least last long enough for help to arrive--especially when we see that Ruby and Weiss are on their way.
Then comes the arrow to the heel. We all know Pyrrha's based on Achilles; we know she's screwed now. Cinder walks over and starts gloating, but when Pyrrha looks up at her--
She hasn't given up. There's no despair, nor even the slightest hint of uncertainty in her face. She looks Cinder straight in the eye, defiant to the last, and asks her, "Do you believe in destiny?"
她还没有放弃……没有一丝的绝望,甚至她的没有一丝的动摇……她看着Cinder的眼睛,无畏地看着,问道:“Do you believe in destiny?"
She knows she's lost. She knows she's probably about to die. Yet that same unshakable faith remains: she doesn't know how, or why, but she knows that even if she dies here, she will not have died for nothing. Somehow, she will die fulfilling her destiny. Somehow, in death, she will save Remnant.

I don't watch Red vs. Blue--something I intend to remedy as soon as I finish writing this--but a monologue from that show has been brought to my attention for the parallels it has with Pyrrha's situation here.
我并没有看过Red vs Blue,不过我写完这些会尽快去补番的。其中的一段独白让我觉得与Pyrrha的情况很相似。
There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero...never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith.
Ain't that a bitch.
这难道不是很操 蛋的一件事吗?
I don't know the context for that monologue--something about an AI sacrificing itself, I think?--but Pyrrha's situation and last words are a parallel and a counterpoint to this speech at the same time. Pyrrha not only has no way of knowing if her sacrifice will actually make a difference, she doesn't even know how it would. And yet the sentiments expressed in that speech probably never even cross her mind, because she had that faith. Even lying there, defeated and broken, she still believes with all her heart that this is the destiny she's been working towards her whole life.

Cinder's one-word reply is almost as meaningful despite its brevity. I wish I could start this off by pointing out that it looks like she's starting to cry as she says this, but sadly it's been pointed out to me that the "tears" are just reflections in her eyes, visible in many other close-ups. ANYWAY! Recall that Pyrrha's definition of "destiny" is pretty weird, almost the opposite of what it's usually taken to mean nowadays. The odds are pretty low that Cinder shares the same definition.
In other words, what Cinder is saying here is the opposite of what Pyrrha meant. She's saying that her victory here at the tower was fate. That everything that happened here--Yang's framing, Pyrrha's accidental killing of Penny, the White Fang/Grimm attack, Cinder's claiming of the Fall Maiden's powers, the fall of Beacon--all of it was predestined, inevitable, unstoppable, and by extension so is her master's eventual victory over all of Remnant.

In agreeing with Pyrrha, then, she's denying Pyrrha's unshakable faith. She's saying that everything Pyrrha has done to try and stop her has been pointless, that her suicidal blaze of glory has accomplished nothing. And immediately thereafter, she tries to prove the point by ending Pyrrha's life then and there.
If only she'd listened to a quote from her creator.
I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve. It may not be immediate, and often your greater dreams is something you will not achieve within your own lifetime. The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death. -- Monty Oum, 2012
我相信人的精神是百折不挠的。当你努力去完成某件事时,它将会给你足够的坚定来支撑你。也许不是顷刻就会出现,甚至经常一个人一生也无法完成自己伟大的梦想。但是,你为超越自己而做出的努力,即使死去,也并非徒劳无功。——Monty Oum 2012
I'm sure you all will agree that the prescience of this quote is...a little unnerving, to say the least. But regardless of its relevance to Monty's own life and work, it's the theme that lies at the very core of this scene.
Pyrrha, broken but defiant to the last, is dealt a mortal blow, then reduced to ashes upon the wind. And for a moment it looks as if Cinder was right, as if Pyrrha's faith in her destiny was misplaced, that she has died for nothing.

But there to witness her death is little silver-eyed Ruby Rose, who unknowingly held within herself a power that Cinder, so confident in the inevitability of her victory, never could have expected or accounted for.
但是,目睹了她逝去的银瞳Ruby Rose,不知不觉中释放出了,Cinder——这个如此自信自己终将胜利的人从未预料到过,甚至无法理解的力量。
If Pyrrha had never climbed that tower, perhaps Ruby would have unlocked her powers eventually. But it would have likely taken far longer--time that Salem and Cinder would use to capitalize upon their victory, perhaps even move upon the other kingdoms. But Pyrrha's sacrifice, at that moment, directly resulted in the Grimm dragon being removed from play, and in Ruby discovering that she is far more powerful than she could have ever imagined. And I suspect that Cinder did not get away unscathed, either.
如果Pyrrha从未爬上那座塔,也许Ruby最终还是会解封她的力量。但是这可能会用去更长的时间,Salem和Cinder也许已经利用那些时间来夺取她们的胜利,甚至可能会转移到其他王国。Pyrrha的牺牲,在那一刻,直接导致了Grimm Dragon被逐出战场,引导Ruby发现了自己比她所能想象的更为强大。我甚至怀疑Cinder是否在那之后能完好无损的离开。
Pyrrha never got the chance to see her faith rewarded, to see that her death there paved the way to victory. But she didn't need to see. She already knew.

法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-24 17:03

seeyou 发表于 2016-2-24 17:22

万劫夜 发表于 2016-2-24 17:27


法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-24 17:34

万劫夜 发表于 2016-2-24 17:39

法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-24 17:34


法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-24 17:39

eva02eva02 发表于 2016-2-24 17:40


seeyou 发表于 2016-2-24 17:46

孙吧星人 发表于 2016-2-24 17:53

KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-24 15:34





因此,放在这里,Cinder那句“Yes”的回答就表明了“She BELIEVES IN destiny”。她【信仰】她的destiny,她【信仰】【她的选择和她为此付出的努力】。她“Yes”的回答表明了,她不但对与她为目标所付出的努力抱持着无法动摇的信仰与信心,而且在她看来,她的信仰与信心【在Pyrrha之上】,她为获得现在的一切所做出的决断与付出是Pyrrha无法比拟的——所以她赢了。她认为自己赢得很彻底,不论是在肉体与能力的战斗上,还是在信心与信仰的交锋上。




567844 发表于 2016-2-24 18:03


逸yi 发表于 2016-2-24 18:21

巴尔干炮 发表于 2016-2-24 18:34


drodchang 发表于 2016-2-24 19:26

巴尔干炮 发表于 2016-2-24 18:34


stygianlunar 发表于 2016-2-24 20:43


fat_mkII 发表于 2016-2-24 20:52


KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-24 21:21

fat_mkII 发表于 2016-2-24 20:52


KissMoon 发表于 2016-2-25 02:03

巴尔干炮 发表于 2016-2-24 18:34



天神十三煞 发表于 2016-2-25 03:54


天神十三煞 发表于 2016-2-25 04:11

本帖最后由 天神十三煞 于 2016-2-24 12:21 编辑

fat_mkII 发表于 2016-2-24 04:52


月初照 发表于 2016-2-25 08:25

孙吧星人 发表于 2016-2-24 17:53


AlienFromEarth 发表于 2016-2-25 10:09

月初照 发表于 2016-2-25 08:25
半秒后,红傲天开挂 ...



zouayoua 发表于 2016-2-25 12:26

zouayoua 发表于 2016-2-25 12:36

法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-25 13:08

子戏星斋 发表于 2016-2-25 13:12

我觉得挺好的 包括MO的辞世 这种崩坏感令人着迷

晨风零雨426 发表于 2016-2-25 13:17

stygianlunar 发表于 2016-2-24 20:43
对命运的理解Cinder和Pyrrha还是不同的把,对Pyrrha是一种责任和使命,即使这一切会带来不好的结局,对Cind ...


drodchang 发表于 2016-2-25 16:46

法则碎片 发表于 2016-2-25 13:08
简单对此一下,前两季人物性格多丰满, ...


seeyou 发表于 2016-2-25 16:54

月初照 发表于 2016-2-25 17:20


seeyou 发表于 2016-2-25 17:37

万劫夜 发表于 2016-2-25 17:45

本帖最后由 万劫夜 于 2016-2-25 18:18 编辑


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