阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-28 19:24

哈罗 发表于 2015-8-28 19:30


yiraer 发表于 2015-8-28 19:39




qqcomcnhk 发表于 2015-8-28 19:48


----发送自 LGE Nexus 5,Android 5.0.1

freedomz 发表于 2015-8-28 19:50

shimotsuki14 发表于 2015-8-27 22:58
好像是天津的……下午6点订的,说今晚发,刚看了下显示发货了,就是还没物流信息 ...


Geminize 发表于 2015-8-28 21:51

yiraer 发表于 2015-8-28 22:31

Geminize 发表于 2015-8-28 21:51


战场原土豆 发表于 2015-8-28 22:42

本帖最后由 战场原土豆 于 2015-8-28 22:58 编辑

VHe's in no condition for plastic surgery.$Someone surely already knows he's awake.$He's in great danger - we must act now!$Prep for surgery!$This is ridiculous...!$It's true. there are those who wish
you would have never woken up.$You should be dead. But you're not. $The wheels are in motion. $Your enemies are everywhere.
We must alter your appearance immediately.$Otherwise, I fear you won't leave this place alive.$It's a wide open world out there, so there's
something we need to take care of first.$This is you - as you've lived until this day.$I'm going to change your appearance -
we've no other choice.
B.P.'s dropping!
XI'll handle the rest.
How's he doing?!
From here on out, $you're Big Boss.
What about him?!
X That's your name as of today.
I'm Big Boss, and you are, too...
XFrom here on, he's "Snake." $He believes it too.
You have, too - $you've written your own history.
Intubate! Now!
XUse that bike. $It's tuned up and ready to go.
I'm going to change your appearance -
we've no other choice.
X My very own phantom, huh...
Thank you... my friend.
Carry that with you, wherever you go.
XYou best change your face, too.
Well, he's stabilized, $but it took too long...$he's in a coma.
I cheated death, thanks to you.
XBoss, the whole world wants your head.
This story - this "legend" - it's ours.
XThis way, Boss. Hurry.
I am you, and you are me.
Everything feels alright?
Where we are, today? We built it.
XNo response! Hit him again!
Don't you die on me, damn it!$B.P.'s dropping!$Intubate! Now!$Cardiac arrest! He's in V-Fib !$Clear!$No response! Hit him again!$Clear!$How's he doing?!$Well, he's stabilized, $but it took too long...$he's in a coma.$What about him?!$He... $He took some shrapnel - $to the head...
We can change the world - and with it, the future.
XThis one - $he'll take your place.
+U, ,P,
This way, Boss. Hurry.$Use that bike. $It's tuned up and ready to go.$I'll handle the rest. $Here.$ That's your name as of today.$You best change your face, too.$This one - $he'll take your place.$From here on, he's "Snake." $He believes it too.$ My very own phantom, huh...$Boss, the whole world wants your head.$Don't worry. He can handle it. $Move now, quickly. $ Aren't you forgetting something?$We'll meet again.$Right.
Very good. Now, let's remove these bandages.$Your face has healed nicely. $To tell you the truth, these bandages
were more for your protection - $to hide you from those who want you dead.$As of today, your name is Ahab. $Forget everything. Your name, your past.$Everything feels alright?
Don't you die on me, damn it!
Cardiac arrest! He's in V-Fib !
Now do you remember?$Who you are?$What you were meant to do?
XWe'll meet again.
XDon't worry. He can handle it. $Move now, quickly.
I'm on your side!
X Aren't you forgetting something?
XGet on!
Please try to relax. $There is plenty of time.$I need to tell you something. $Please listen, and try not to panic.$You've been in a coma for... quite some time.$Yes yes, I know. You'd like to know how long...$I'm afraid it's been $nine years.$Damn it!$Nurse! $Nurse! $Nurse!$Nurse!$Calm down! $Calm down!$Try not to panic!$Help me!$Try not to panic.$Now then...$You'll be alright.$There now.$Just rest.
No... $He's the two of us. Together.
$No time for anesthetic. We have to open her now.$Noooooooo!!$Boss! $Now do you remember?$Who you are?$What you were meant to do?$I cheated death, thanks to you.$And thanks to you, I've left my mark.$You have, too - $you've written your own history.$You're your own man.$I'm Big Boss, and you are, too... $ No... $He's the two of us. Together.$Where we are, today? We built it.$This story - this "legend" - it's ours.$We can change the world - and with it, the future.$I am you, and you are me.$Carry that with you, wherever you go. $Thank you... my friend.$From here on out, $you're Big Boss.


你们好奇怪 发表于 2015-8-28 22:51

战场原土豆 发表于 2015-8-28 22:42
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php ...


旺角卡门 发表于 2015-8-28 22:52


阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-28 22:56

yiraer 发表于 2015-8-28 23:02


战场原土豆 发表于 2015-8-28 23:18

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-28 22:56
从提取的文件来看,ZERO为了保护BB,把医疗兵整容成BB的样子。但还是没法解释为什么医疗兵拥有BB级别的战斗 ...



里面提到某人对BB说,“$He's experienced all your missions on record,
and shares all your knowledge and experience.”


Geminize 发表于 2015-8-28 23:28

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-28 23:42

yiraer 发表于 2015-8-28 23:48


Boss.$How are you back on your feet so quickly?$ It's a non-smoking ward.$Boss... $If I listened to everything the doctors
said, I'd probably die in here.$No point waking up after nine years for that.$... Well, having you out of that
bed makes things a little easier.$Bad news, huh?$Things are looking worse.$Go on.$They found out. About you waking up.$And the man on fire picked this time to wake up too.$We'll have to move forward ahead of schedule.$Miller already has the preparations underway.$We'll have to wake up your "nei**or," too.$ So he's not- $He seems awake now.$No - $well, he's not actively conscious yet at least.$He was a doctor too.$In his mind, that past no longer exists.$Your past is his past now.$He's going to be your phantom.$Not some simple diversion - $he'll act as the new Big Boss.$And the act isn't just for Cipher - $he'll be your face on the world stage.
Until the time comes for your resurgence. $You make it sound easy.$We've been busy over the last nine years.$His altered state of consciousness has helped us im**t
powerful suggestions through induced hypnagogia. $He's experienced all your missions on record,
and shares all your knowledge and experience.$To make him believe that he is the one true Big Boss.$No one around him will doubt
that he's the Big Boss they know.$So is he the real Big Boss, or a stand-in?
What does that mean to him? $Nothing. $The human brain is capable of many illusions. $Of pain, of the future.$What happens from here depends on his skill. $But you can vouch for that.$He was always the best man we had. $But... $Nine years ago, in that helicopter, he
threw himself between you and the blast. $In that moment, the man you knew died...$

He died protecting you, $and now, by becoming you, $he protects you again.$This is just a detour in his
journey to Hell. And don't forget - $it's what he wanted. $He's in his Dog Days now.$ $It's not just him. $We'll be putting the people in
this hospital in the line of fire. $They'll be your shield, and a necessary
diversion. To buy us some time.$And you?$I'll be right by his side.$Can you keep it up? $It's a hell of a lie.$It won't be a lie. I won't know his secret either.$ $I'll believe that he's the real Big Boss.
I'll have no conscious knowledge of you - $where's the lie in that?$Self-hypnosis?$It's nothing new in my line of work.
Manipulating memories... the past. $But that's not all.$When the time is right, I need to
remember that you're the real Boss. $In the world, it's doublethink.$In this year? $Two plus two equals five.$And I want you to do the same.$Right - his bodyguard.$Correct. $It won't be long before this hospital comes under attack.$We'll wake him up right away, but he
won't be back to full health in time.$You'll need to take him through his final paces.$Yeah... $I want to see his face again.$All right... John. $I've never forgotten you in these
nine years, but I have to forget you now.$Adam, $I'm counting on you.


你们好奇怪 发表于 2015-8-28 23:49


全文本 datamine,不用追剧透了,自己搜关键字就什么都知道了

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 00:02

yiraer 发表于 2015-8-29 00:03

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 00:02


Geminize 发表于 2015-8-29 00:04

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 00:50

B.K. 发表于 2015-8-29 00:52


shimotsuki14 发表于 2015-8-29 00:58

本帖最后由 shimotsuki14 于 2015-8-29 01:07 编辑

就是Extract the little sheep那个……任务完成究竟是什么条件?我把区域内敌人基本全送回去了,羊也找到了,一开始以为是把小羊送回基地,结果用了富尔顿告诉我任务失败被取消;读盘重来赶着羊绕圈跑,也没什么办法。


bobosndr 发表于 2015-8-29 01:00


wangyi_tt 发表于 2015-8-29 01:16


----发送自 STAGE1 App for Android.

xgyy1111 发表于 2015-8-29 01:24


mr·骑士道 发表于 2015-8-29 02:10

xgyy1111 发表于 2015-8-29 02:19

mr·骑士道 发表于 2015-8-29 02:10

mr·骑士道 发表于 2015-8-29 02:56

xgyy1111 发表于 2015-8-29 08:12

mr·骑士道 发表于 2015-8-29 02:56


Joseph.Fourier 发表于 2015-8-29 09:49

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-28 22:56
从提取的文件来看,ZERO为了保护BB,把医疗兵整容成BB的样子。但还是没法解释为什么医疗兵拥有BB级别的战斗 ...


多炮塔神教 发表于 2015-8-29 10:01

火之魂 发表于 2015-8-29 10:10


太书主 发表于 2015-8-29 10:57


xgyy1111 发表于 2015-8-29 14:24

Joseph.Fourier 发表于 2015-8-29 09:49
游戏里面可以操作的这个假的BB的能力都是A++,但是游戏里面士兵上限是S++,很多小兵的部分能力是S++。真 ...


哈罗 发表于 2015-8-29 14:43

话说正式版开场还是乖乖改回kojima production/a hideo kojima game了,这算是认错吗?233……

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 14:56

hootao 发表于 2015-8-29 15:04


阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 15:26

阿尔法瑞斯 发表于 2015-8-29 15:35

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